DevLearn 2019 – Day 3

Keynote: Augmented Human: How Technology is Shaping the New Reality
– Helen Papagiannis


“As technology becomes more embedded and invisible, it calms our lives by removing annoyances while keeping us connected with what is truly important.”  – Mark D. Weiser, 1999

  • Google glasses shouldn’t have been a failure- it was good but culturally it wasn’t accepted. How do we get past the culture? Google glass was too exclusive at the time (had to have personal invite).
  • Some interesting uses would be for giving autistic students opportunity to practice interview skills.
  • Amazing to watch
  • Download this AR app:
  • Cirque du Soleil uses #AugmentedReality for visualization of their sets before construction. No room for error! #DevLearn
  • Notable Women AR app (see below). “Swapping Out the Faces We All Know for the Faces We All Should.”
Cool Use of AR
Notable Women App
Notable Women 1
Notable Women 2

eLearning Renovations: Simple DIY Steps for Fixer-Uppers
– Reashonda Breckenridge

Breckenridge Presentation

Breckenridge Handout


Same with eLearning lessons and projects.

Breckenridge keeps PP open all the time as a playground.

Go through phases of:

  1. Solid Foundation
  2. Demo Day (remove, but don’t discard — in case SME wants to see what was removed)
  3. Layout & Design
  4. Construct Content (educate; don’t decorate)
  5. Inspection Contingencies (punch list!)

Content Was Never King: Designing eLearning Solutions for Results
– Cammy Bean & Ashley Reardon

Bean and Reardon Presentation

Content was never king; it’s all about the people!

Some good questions to ask in identifying the audience, the situation, and the goal:

  1. What do you want people to start doing?
  2. What do they do today instead?
  3. So what? What’s the impact of the mistakes?
  4. What are the expectations?
  5. What are the barriers to doing what we want them to do?
Common Mistake 1
Common Mistake 3
Common Mistake 2
Step 5

I Find Your Lack of Retention Disturbing: Boost Retention with Pop Culture
– Aly Gillen & Chris Perez

Gillen & Perez Presentation

find your lack

Amazing and fun content.

Survey in Session – Having watched The Office CPR Episode made participants much more likely to know how fast to do CPR — among people who have never had CPR training.  Think Preposition Song and 13 Colonies.

Thirteen Colonies

Fun vs. boring; forms connection and mutual understanding/respect between teacher and learner. Even UN recognizes value in incorporating pop culture!



About Me


I’m a curious and creative instructional designer, always eager to learn more about technology and best practices in pedagogy.

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