DevLearn 2022 – Day 1

Articulate User Conference

Overcoming Common Challenges with e-Learning – Opening General Session

Tom Kuhlmann

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  • Default response – “We need training ‘order takers’ instead of partners at the table.”
  • Most courses deficient in meeting learning objectives.
  • Course isn’t the objective — it’s a solution.
  • Three types of courses:
    • Documentation (just content — policies, handbooks, user guides)
      • E-learning value? (consistent presentation, curated content & resources, async delivery)
    • Explanation (Content & Context — how to, demos, examples, case studies) **bulk of it
      • E-learning value? (context changes tone of content, learner-focused instruction, a more relevant & meaningful experience)
    • Simulation (Real-world alignment – meaningful practice, role-playing & scenarios, software sims)
      • E-learning value? (mirrors expectations, more complete learning experience, relevant & meaningful content, demonstrates understanding)
    • Application (Can the person do what they’re supposed to do?) This leads to some sort of blended instruction (e-learning can get only so far).
  • Someone shoots an arrow, we run over and spray paint a circle around the arrow (bullseye).
  • Big Question — How do we know the person learned? Courses should include some sort of “prove it” activity (quizzes aren’t necessarily “prove it.”
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Most courses fall into 1 of 2 buckets (performance or learning).
e-Learning is just part of the training program.


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Documentation (just content — policies, handbooks, user guides)


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Explanation (Content & Context — how to, demos, examples, case studies)


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Simulation (Real-world alignment – meaningful practice, role-playing & scenarios, software sims)


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10 Ways to Use Sliders in Storyline 360

Jodi Sansone

  • Vyond video
  • 6 videos – pets
  • Caged Bird sings photo (1000 points; move every 50 or 20)
  • Juxtapose @ Knight Labs. Calls up 2 pics & uses sliders to see parts (Mona Lisa)
  • Keyboard for sliders; buttons may be more accessible.


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How I Stumbled Into e-Learning and Became a Successful e-Learning Designer

Kandace Kidd

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Troubleshooting Storyline 360 Courses: Tips to Keep You on Track!

Tom Kuhlmann

  • One idea is to flip the training (the perspective). For example, training bedbugs how to pick a mattress or training how to be a shoplifter. See Judy Nollet’s webinar.
  • Change only on layers & keep basics on base slide.
  • Naming things is so important (ease of problem solving if ask for help in community, too)
  • Don’t have to share whole course — just slide having trouble with. Take out proprietary information.
  • Watch out for trigger order.
  • Check if variable is working — insert reference.
  • If variable already changed (on condition that)… won’t change again.
  • Can ignore normal state and just deal with other states.
  • User variables instead of states with tabs b/c more control (and not mess with properties, etc). when not remembering visited states.
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Top Tips for Streamlining Your Course Development

Ashley Chiasson

  • **Check out blog and YouTube
  • Customize Quick Access toolbar in upper left of Storyline.
  • Check out triggers on Master Slide. Can re-dock 1 at a time or re-dock all windows
  • In Story view, can right click on link in lower right to link to next slide or scene.
  • From Storyview, index feature can quickly change order of scenes.
  • Control – Enter or Control – Shift – Enter
  • Control G or Control – Shift G (Group/Ungroup)
  • Shift + scale using corner handles maintains symmetry.
  • Replace video – right click on corner of video to replace.
  • Button sets – only 1 selectable at a time
  • Convert to freeform.
  • Insert hyperlink instead of having whole textbook, go to link (or hotspot)
  • Normal text pulldown to left of font – change format of hyperlink, etc.
  • Fit timeline to longest object (audio) — right click on timeline.
  • On layer, choose what to hide at bottom of timeline (items on base layer) instead of objects/shapes on top of objects.
  • Print certificate (print slide trigger)
  • Lightbox tab (available, but doesn’t take user somewhere else)
  • Publish window — click to right of title, can see approximate length.
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In Storyview, can right click on link in lower right to link to next slide or scene.


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Keyboard Shortcuts


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Adjusting timeline to audio, etc.


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Converting to freeform

Zooming in on Masterpiece

Jodi Sansone

Zoom timeline – timeline stops/starts and zooms.


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Ways to use interactions


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Markers / Remove Markers


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Entire screen covers painting


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Lightbox Effect (where painting is visible behind lightbox)

Adaptive Interactions

Alex Ryan & James Oakley


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What’s New and What’s Next?

Madison McCartney

  • Check out Rise pre-built or pre-formatted (especially in collaboration with Big Think)
  • Printing slide/certificate can add to any slide in course.
  • Right click, “Paste Special”. Click on timeline, Control V, puts object above whatever is highlighted.
  • Focus Order (what is read 1st, 2nd, 3rd in screenreaders)
  • Can add buttons to markers or hotspots.
  • Can send xAPI statement to show metrics that learner has interacted with.
  • LRS – Can report to external LRS


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Reorder scenes/slides easily


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Print out Cert of Completion


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Change order of focus (screen readers) easily

See other presentations.

About Me


I’m a curious and creative instructional designer, always eager to learn more about technology and best practices in pedagogy.

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