DevLearn 2022 – Day 3

Morning Buzz (The Journey to Learning Leadership)

Cara North

Great Use of Jamboard

Quotes that Cara mentioned:

  • A rising tide lifts all boats. (Wen Kang)
  • Blowing out someone’s candle won’t make yours shine any brighter. (Alf Dunbar)

General Session – The Future of the Mind

Dr. Michio Kaku

Learning and curiosity should be treasured!

-Michio Kaku

Journey to Extraordinary – Lessons in Skills-based Learning Techniques

Ben Betts

Using Frameworks to Empower SMEs to Develop Their Own Learning Programs

Barry Nadler

  • Interview Discussion
    • Similar to a podcast.
    • Either the SME gets interviewed by someone and it gets recorded or they record themselves talking about some content.
    • Should be more conversational than scripted.
    • Can include PP slides or screen sharing.
    • SME gets prepped before the conversation, so they don’t come in cold and unprepared.
    • These videos can later be part of a formal training program.
  • Snack-N-Share (SNS)
    • Short sharing session – sometimes called a Lunch-N-Learn — typically about 30-45 minutes.
    • A SME presenting content to a group of people, either in a conference room or on a virtual platform, like Zoom or MS Teams.
    • Probably only covering 1-2 topics and not going very deep on them.
    • Should include time for Q&A.
    • Can be recorded for future re-use.
  • Boot Camp
    • One day, live, intensive training session.
    • Hosted by a SME or facilitated by someone that manages discussions with SMEs.
    • Usually, 1-2 topics, but allows time for deep conversation on those topics. These topics are best if they are heavily skills-based.
    • Usually, there are activities for the participants that allow for practice of a skill.
    • A recording of this event would not be valuable to a viewer. It would most likely be very boring. But, there may be elements of the content presentation or Q&A that is worth re-using in smaller snippets after the event.
  • Cohort Program
    • Synchronous training experience.
    • Can be in-person or in a virtual environment.
    • Held over multiple sessions and can go as long as needed for the content.
    • Typically hosted by a facilitator and they invite SMEs or guest speakers into the conversation — the facilitator may not be that familiar with the content.
    • Live sessions are not for content presentation. They are for Q&A, thought-provoking discussion, and project sharing.
    • Present content between live sessions in an on-demand manner.
    • Assign either a single project that grows over the length of the program or smaller projects that build skills.
    • Should have a community that is part of the program, so students can teach each other.
  • Masterclass
    • Think of it as a long webinar (2-3 hours)
    • Usually covers 2-3 topics at a deeper level, which is different than a shorter webinar.
    • Can be recorded and edited for later re-use.
    • Could include breakout rooms for discussion groups, but typically doesn’t include project work during the event.
    • Because of the length, it could benefit by the facilitator including guest speakers.
    • Probably includes screen sharing or PP decks.
  • Mentorship
    • This equates to on-the-job-training with a more senior employee.
    • For the purposes of this project, this is similar to employee coaching.
    • Most likely, this is a one-on-one experience.
    • Probably includes work projects and skill observations.
    • The mentor does not need to be a skilled presenter or facilitator.
    • You would not record these mentorship sessions for later reuse, unless there was a solid reason to do so.
  • Virtual Summit
    • Can run between 1-3 days long.
    • 5-7 pre-recorded sessions per day.
    • Each day focuses on a family of topics that work together to create a single “story” with multiple perspectives.
    • You can drip the content on a daily basis and remove the previous day’s content, or allow content to remain available after the day is over. Your chosen approach can impact engagement you receive.
    • After the event, these recordings can be valuable as re-usable content in other programs, like bootcamps and cohorts.
    • You can use content from interview Discussions, Shack-N-Shares, and Masterclasses as content for this type of program.
    • Offer a bonus live session at the end to allow for Q&A with some of the SMEs.

Secrets of Virtual Training Heroes

Kassy LaBorie

Presentation with Menti Results

Download → The Virtual Trainer’s Guide to Becoming a HERO

Listen → Podcasts and Webinars

Access → Virtual Training Tools and Templates

Join→ Virtual Training Hero Hangout! The last Friday of each month.

Apps, Tools & Resources

Nick Floro

A collection of tools, apps and technology to help you in your learners journey.

📕 Apps / Note Taking
👩🏽‍💻 Design / Creative
✍🏽 Prototyping, Wireframing
  • Adobe XD Mac/Windows
  • FigmaWeb
    • Figma Tips Web
  • InVision Design Blog Web
  • Web Resource
  • Prototyping for Learning Resource web
  • DesignBetter Free design thinking and creative process resource and books Web
🗂 Project Management
🧶 Collaboration
✋🏼 Communication Platforms
👨🏾‍💻 Present, Meet, Webinar, Workshop
  • AirMeet Web
  • AhaSlides Web
  • Attendify web
  • Butter Us Web
  • CrowdCast Web
  • GoToMeeting Web
  • Google Meet All
  • Webex Web
  • ZoomWeb
    • Zoom Framework (Mac only) Web
    • Zoom Zapps
🎫 Presentation + Participation Tools
🚌 Forms & Feedback
  • Google Forms Web
  • TypeForm Web
  • VideoAsk Web
  • SurveyMonkey Web
  • Web
🥽 AR / VR
📺 Media : Audio & Video
📚 eBook
🖥 Hardware
  • Elgato StreamDeck Hardware
  • Logitech Brio – Ultra HD Webcam for Video Conferencing, Recording, and Streaming Hardware
  • Elgato Green Screen Hardware
  • Add a Second Screen Hardware LG 4k
  • Stylus (makes it easier to write, draw, document)
  • Adaptors (to connect your phone, tablet, devices everywhere – wireless when possible)
♿️ Accessibility
  • A11Y Resources Web
  • Color Review for Accessibility Web
  • W3C Resources Web
  • W3C Guidelines Web
🧠 AI
🖥 Automation – No Code
📖 Keeping Up
👏🏾 Sharing Media / Links
☀️ Communities

Create Compelling Content for Virtual & Hybrid Training with PowerPoint

Richard Goring

  • Keyboard shortcuts for Windows and Mac
  • Useful PowerPoint add-ins
  • Adding shortcuts to Quick Access Toolbar
  • Transforming bullet points
  • Create custom shapes (Freeform shapes, Merge Shapes tool)
  • PowerPoint icons
  • Photography
  • Image cropping
  • Highlighting content
  • Capturing attention
  • Morph magic


DevLearn, sponsored by Articulate

The Best of DemoFest webinar is on November 16, 2022 at 1 – 2PM ET.

See other presentations.

About Me


I’m a curious and creative instructional designer, always eager to learn more about technology and best practices in pedagogy.

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