Morning Buzz – 20 Ways to Use Microlearning to Add Value to Your Curriculum

Carla Torgerson

What is Microlearning?
Microlearning is content that is purposely shortened to enable the learner to fit learning within their work and personal lives.

DemoFest Showcase

DevLearn, sponsored by Articulate

The Best of DemoFest webinar is on November 16, 2022 at 1 – 2PM ET.

Pitch Two Options to Move from Order Taker to Trusted Partner

Laura Middlesworth

Six Steps to move from Order Taker to Trusted Partner

  • Acknowledge and document initial request.
    • Yes, that could work.
    • Acknowledgement Commitment
  • Conduct analysis.
    • Determine what learners need to DO
    • Identify true business problem.
    • Establish stakeholder priorities.
    • “Identifying a problem is more difficult than identifying a solution. Even more challenging? Prioritizing which problem to solve.” ~ Alan Dix
  • Outline pros and cons of requested solution.
    • Viewed from the business/stakeholders’ perspective.
  • Formulate a contrasting solution & outline its potential benefits.
    • Why a single alternative?
      • Clear comparison of pros and cons.
      • Minimize chances of choice overload.
  • Craft your pitch.
    • Maintain focus on business.
    • Highlight key goal(s).
    • Outline the two options, including:
      • Characteristics of each.
      • Clear benefits of alternative.
  • Deliver your pitch and initiate dialogue.
    • Align format with stakeholders’ preferences.
    • Does not need to be grand or even formal!

Recommendations for the two-solution pitch:

  • Do your homework before crafting the pitch and tailor it accordingly
  • Keep it simple
  • Be willing to hear “no” and proceed with the requested solution
  • Identify – and minimize – the perceived risk of choosing something new or different
  • Respect the decision maker
  • Remain open to compromise

Orders might sound like:

  • We just need training on…
  • Just make a course for…
  • Create a class about…
  • Use this slide deck…


  • Demonstrate clear understanding of stakeholders’ priorities.
  • Initiate dialogue about what else is possible.
  • Build trust and rapport.
  • Avoid outright rejection of requested solution.

General Session – Technology Trends That Will Enhance Human Performance

Cori Lathan

Technology should enable people to do things that they could not do without technology.

What are some emerging technologies that could have a big impact on education?

  • Human Enhancement
    • Human is an information processor.
    • We can enhance this process, enhance our sensory input (to make our vision better, to make our hearing better, to make our knees better, etc.)
    • Our kids will grow up with the technology and thought that “We get better as we age, not worse.”
  • Internet of Things
    • Connecting devices (things), and people through the internet.
    • We generate more data than a doctor sees in a year. How do we use our data to define health and wellness?
  • Augmented Reality
    • Can view the physical and digital world, that they converge, and that we can interact with them in a 3-D way.
    • The technology has been around for a long time. But, now we can collaborate — using this technology.

The superpower of Gen Z is that they are going to be able to use these technologies. They will be enhanced with technology, they will be connected through the internet of things, and they will have a seamless understanding of the physical/digital convergence. They will be digital collaborators.

How will Gen Z’s use of technology change the future workforce? They will be experts in how to communicate in the digital and physical world. As educators, we need to leverage that and find a way for them to collaborate in more ways. Then, we can find ways to assess that collaboration and that skill.

See other presentations.

Morning Buzz (The Journey to Learning Leadership)

Cara North

Great Use of Jamboard

Quotes that Cara mentioned:

  • A rising tide lifts all boats. (Wen Kang)
  • Blowing out someone’s candle won’t make yours shine any brighter. (Alf Dunbar)

General Session – The Future of the Mind

Dr. Michio Kaku

Learning and curiosity should be treasured!

-Michio Kaku

Journey to Extraordinary – Lessons in Skills-based Learning Techniques

Ben Betts

Using Frameworks to Empower SMEs to Develop Their Own Learning Programs

Barry Nadler

  • Interview Discussion
    • Similar to a podcast.
    • Either the SME gets interviewed by someone and it gets recorded or they record themselves talking about some content.
    • Should be more conversational than scripted.
    • Can include PP slides or screen sharing.
    • SME gets prepped before the conversation, so they don’t come in cold and unprepared.
    • These videos can later be part of a formal training program.
  • Snack-N-Share (SNS)
    • Short sharing session – sometimes called a Lunch-N-Learn — typically about 30-45 minutes.
    • A SME presenting content to a group of people, either in a conference room or on a virtual platform, like Zoom or MS Teams.
    • Probably only covering 1-2 topics and not going very deep on them.
    • Should include time for Q&A.
    • Can be recorded for future re-use.
  • Boot Camp
    • One day, live, intensive training session.
    • Hosted by a SME or facilitated by someone that manages discussions with SMEs.
    • Usually, 1-2 topics, but allows time for deep conversation on those topics. These topics are best if they are heavily skills-based.
    • Usually, there are activities for the participants that allow for practice of a skill.
    • A recording of this event would not be valuable to a viewer. It would most likely be very boring. But, there may be elements of the content presentation or Q&A that is worth re-using in smaller snippets after the event.
  • Cohort Program
    • Synchronous training experience.
    • Can be in-person or in a virtual environment.
    • Held over multiple sessions and can go as long as needed for the content.
    • Typically hosted by a facilitator and they invite SMEs or guest speakers into the conversation — the facilitator may not be that familiar with the content.
    • Live sessions are not for content presentation. They are for Q&A, thought-provoking discussion, and project sharing.
    • Present content between live sessions in an on-demand manner.
    • Assign either a single project that grows over the length of the program or smaller projects that build skills.
    • Should have a community that is part of the program, so students can teach each other.
  • Masterclass
    • Think of it as a long webinar (2-3 hours)
    • Usually covers 2-3 topics at a deeper level, which is different than a shorter webinar.
    • Can be recorded and edited for later re-use.
    • Could include breakout rooms for discussion groups, but typically doesn’t include project work during the event.
    • Because of the length, it could benefit by the facilitator including guest speakers.
    • Probably includes screen sharing or PP decks.
  • Mentorship
    • This equates to on-the-job-training with a more senior employee.
    • For the purposes of this project, this is similar to employee coaching.
    • Most likely, this is a one-on-one experience.
    • Probably includes work projects and skill observations.
    • The mentor does not need to be a skilled presenter or facilitator.
    • You would not record these mentorship sessions for later reuse, unless there was a solid reason to do so.
  • Virtual Summit
    • Can run between 1-3 days long.
    • 5-7 pre-recorded sessions per day.
    • Each day focuses on a family of topics that work together to create a single “story” with multiple perspectives.
    • You can drip the content on a daily basis and remove the previous day’s content, or allow content to remain available after the day is over. Your chosen approach can impact engagement you receive.
    • After the event, these recordings can be valuable as re-usable content in other programs, like bootcamps and cohorts.
    • You can use content from interview Discussions, Shack-N-Shares, and Masterclasses as content for this type of program.
    • Offer a bonus live session at the end to allow for Q&A with some of the SMEs.

Secrets of Virtual Training Heroes

Kassy LaBorie

Presentation with Menti Results

Download → The Virtual Trainer’s Guide to Becoming a HERO

Listen → Podcasts and Webinars

Access → Virtual Training Tools and Templates

Join→ Virtual Training Hero Hangout! The last Friday of each month.

Apps, Tools & Resources

Nick Floro

A collection of tools, apps and technology to help you in your learners journey.

📕 Apps / Note Taking
👩🏽‍💻 Design / Creative
✍🏽 Prototyping, Wireframing
  • Adobe XD Mac/Windows
  • FigmaWeb
    • Figma Tips Web
  • InVision Design Blog Web
  • Web Resource
  • Prototyping for Learning Resource web
  • DesignBetter Free design thinking and creative process resource and books Web
🗂 Project Management
🧶 Collaboration
✋🏼 Communication Platforms
👨🏾‍💻 Present, Meet, Webinar, Workshop
  • AirMeet Web
  • AhaSlides Web
  • Attendify web
  • Butter Us Web
  • CrowdCast Web
  • GoToMeeting Web
  • Google Meet All
  • Webex Web
  • ZoomWeb
    • Zoom Framework (Mac only) Web
    • Zoom Zapps
🎫 Presentation + Participation Tools
🚌 Forms & Feedback
  • Google Forms Web
  • TypeForm Web
  • VideoAsk Web
  • SurveyMonkey Web
  • Web
🥽 AR / VR
📺 Media : Audio & Video
📚 eBook
🖥 Hardware
  • Elgato StreamDeck Hardware
  • Logitech Brio – Ultra HD Webcam for Video Conferencing, Recording, and Streaming Hardware
  • Elgato Green Screen Hardware
  • Add a Second Screen Hardware LG 4k
  • Stylus (makes it easier to write, draw, document)
  • Adaptors (to connect your phone, tablet, devices everywhere – wireless when possible)
♿️ Accessibility
  • A11Y Resources Web
  • Color Review for Accessibility Web
  • W3C Resources Web
  • W3C Guidelines Web
🧠 AI
🖥 Automation – No Code
📖 Keeping Up
👏🏾 Sharing Media / Links
☀️ Communities

Create Compelling Content for Virtual & Hybrid Training with PowerPoint

Richard Goring

  • Keyboard shortcuts for Windows and Mac
  • Useful PowerPoint add-ins
  • Adding shortcuts to Quick Access Toolbar
  • Transforming bullet points
  • Create custom shapes (Freeform shapes, Merge Shapes tool)
  • PowerPoint icons
  • Photography
  • Image cropping
  • Highlighting content
  • Capturing attention
  • Morph magic


DevLearn, sponsored by Articulate

The Best of DemoFest webinar is on November 16, 2022 at 1 – 2PM ET.

See other presentations.

DevLearn2022 – All Resources

Morning Buzz – Working with SMEs

Shawn Rosler

  • Empathy is driver of engagement (with SMEs, too)
  • Thank you for hearing me.
  • Sometimes *we* love the Kool-Aid.
  • Evidence shows that…
  • We need your help…
  • When you have a half-hour to talk, let’s sit down and talk about how to help the end user have a better customer experience.
  • Change from company hired us to — we merged with a company.
  • Because this team took 30 min. out of their day, look at we could do/accomplished!
  • Delay — urgency — rescue — realize needed.
  • Ego & Empathy
  • Everyone wants to be part of the band, even if they don’t play an instrument.
  • good / fast/ cheap
  • Tone down level of expectation.

General Session – The Power of Transformative Design

Kevin Bethune

See full-sized values and measurements here.

6 Learning Trends to Know, Adopt & Grow Your Skills

Nick Floro

Creating Powerful Visuals on a DIY Budget

Tracy Parish

More Than a Game: Motivating Change Through Behavior-based Games

Jennifer Yaros

Game Mechanics Cheat Sheet

  • Badges – Badges are a way to provide a sense of accomplishment. They should be more difficult to collect than points. Use them to show mastery of a skill, completion of a challenge, or for finishing a level.
  • Challenges – When including challenges in your training, make sure they align with the goal and learning objective of your course.
  • Collaboration – Collaboration is great to use to promote teamwork. It also provides a method for learners to benefit from the experience of others.
  • Competition – This can be used to create a level of stress, which can aid in learning, and we’ve all heard people exclaim “competition brings out the best in me!” competition can also let a learner know how they stand against others.
  • Feedback – Just like in knowledge checks, feedback in games lets the learners know how they did on a specific challenge. Feedback is also a great way to provide additional or supplemental information. However, don’t use feedback if you use a timer.
  • Leaderboards – Leaderboards are good to use for learner personas that are competitive, such as sales people. They show an overall progress in a game and often show how a learner measures against other learners. The progression in the leaderboard should align with the proficiency of the learning objectives.
  • Levels – Think of levels as the learning journey. Each level can build upon the previous to show an increase in proficiency, or a level can be used to divide topics and show mastery of a specific topic or skill.
  • Points/Scores – This is a good way to let learners know how they are doing and to provide a sense of accomplishment. Be careful with awarding points, though. If you provide points too easily, then they become less valuable to a learner.
  • Scenarios/Simulations – These are a great way to help learners practice critical thinking or to practice a new skill.
  • Timer – Using a timer in a gamified course creates a sense of urgency and helps a game maintain a quick pace. Also, there are studies that show people learn better when there is a measure of stress.

Design Your Game Mechanics

  • Gather and analyze your assets.
  • Determine the game mechanics by matching them to your behaviors/skills and learner persona.
  • Create the story to tie the game mechanics together and promote engagement.
  • Identify what success looks like.

It doesn’t have to be a game in the traditional sense to be effective gamification. How can this be considered gamification?

When training and game elements are appropriately designed, learners know what is expected of them and they are motivated to perform desired behaviors and complete required tasks.

[email protected]

/jenniferyaros (LinkedIn)

How to Create Beautiful eLearning Templates Using Storyline 360

Elizabeth Pawlicki

  • Save a bunch of pics on file and call it a template — easy to find pics
  • Put shape on screen w/ image background (helps accessibility)
  • Remember theme fonts, colors, save
  • Icons: ungroup, can color fill part of icon to theme color
  • Illustrations are not usually grouped. Can use in PP, remove background, and mark what items to keep.
  • Template = save as type. Storyline Template (can keep re-using, then import from story template)

Gamify Your Course Design Process

Amadeus Nunaley & Mary Nunaley (Lavender Dragon Team)

  • If you have fun client onboarding process, have great brainstorming, good expectations, etc.
  • No one size fits all (need meeting of your needs → client needs).
  • What parts of that do you need?
  • How can we reach a part of that for you?
  • How will learner get feedback? How will learner get rewarded?
  • Broadcast/measure/learn
  • PBL – Points, Badges, Leaderboards
  • It’s just a prototype and testing the gameplay part, first.
  • Great to mention to clients — “I have another client who started or wanted this piece, and this was the result.”
  • Time / Budget / Resources — If I have this much time, this is what I can give you.
  • Tailor cost to audience (CEO vs. L&D people). Avoid jargon, be concise.
  • Educated clients are easier to work with.
  • Project work times are easier to handle.
  • Genie Lee + JotForm (whiteboard → Vyond video → Live video)
  • Ask for demo site and free access; additional examples.

General Session – Blowing Up Stereotypes in Learning

Dr. Kate Biberdorf

Through her theatrical and hands-on approach to teaching, Dr. Biberdorf is breaking down the image of the stereotypical scientist, while reaching students that might otherwise be intimidated by science. Students’ emotional responses, rather than rote memorization of facts, is key to Biberdorf ’s dynamic approach to her program, as well as science in general. Her exciting and engaging program leaves audiences with a positive, memorable impression of science – all while diminishing the stigma around women in science.

Reminder from Kate the Chemist – Do something that creates a memory today.

  • Remember William James’ theory of emotional memory. (If a person has an emotional response to something, he or she is more likely to remember it.) Biberdorf says, “What I try to do is act insane by doing some crazy demonstration — lighting my hand on fire, breathing fire, doing something — and then I’ve learned I have about 60 seconds to force the science behind that crazy thing I’ve done and just shove that knowledge into their heads.”
  • Look into your community. “Just come here and learn how to make the world a better place!”
  • Consider your image. “What you do speaks so loud,” said Emerson, “that I cannot hear what you say.”
  • Be a good mentor. Biberdorf says, “Everyone likes to see themselves represented. So, for younger people to watch and say, ‘Hey, I can do that, too,’ is fantastic.
  • Breathe fire. “Getting kids excited enough about STEM fields to remain engaged and enter those careers has nothing to do about worksheets. It has nothing to do about standardized tests. It has nothing to do about any of the rubrics that we currently have in place. It has everything to do about communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. Those four Cs are the pillars of what we’re doing now.”

See other presentations.

Articulate User Conference

Overcoming Common Challenges with e-Learning – Opening General Session

Tom Kuhlmann

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  • Default response – “We need training ‘order takers’ instead of partners at the table.”
  • Most courses deficient in meeting learning objectives.
  • Course isn’t the objective — it’s a solution.
  • Three types of courses:
    • Documentation (just content — policies, handbooks, user guides)
      • E-learning value? (consistent presentation, curated content & resources, async delivery)
    • Explanation (Content & Context — how to, demos, examples, case studies) **bulk of it
      • E-learning value? (context changes tone of content, learner-focused instruction, a more relevant & meaningful experience)
    • Simulation (Real-world alignment – meaningful practice, role-playing & scenarios, software sims)
      • E-learning value? (mirrors expectations, more complete learning experience, relevant & meaningful content, demonstrates understanding)
    • Application (Can the person do what they’re supposed to do?) This leads to some sort of blended instruction (e-learning can get only so far).
  • Someone shoots an arrow, we run over and spray paint a circle around the arrow (bullseye).
  • Big Question — How do we know the person learned? Courses should include some sort of “prove it” activity (quizzes aren’t necessarily “prove it.”
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Most courses fall into 1 of 2 buckets (performance or learning).
e-Learning is just part of the training program.


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Documentation (just content — policies, handbooks, user guides)


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Explanation (Content & Context — how to, demos, examples, case studies)


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Simulation (Real-world alignment – meaningful practice, role-playing & scenarios, software sims)


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10 Ways to Use Sliders in Storyline 360

Jodi Sansone

  • Vyond video
  • 6 videos – pets
  • Caged Bird sings photo (1000 points; move every 50 or 20)
  • Juxtapose @ Knight Labs. Calls up 2 pics & uses sliders to see parts (Mona Lisa)
  • Keyboard for sliders; buttons may be more accessible.


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How I Stumbled Into e-Learning and Became a Successful e-Learning Designer

Kandace Kidd

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Troubleshooting Storyline 360 Courses: Tips to Keep You on Track!

Tom Kuhlmann

  • One idea is to flip the training (the perspective). For example, training bedbugs how to pick a mattress or training how to be a shoplifter. See Judy Nollet’s webinar.
  • Change only on layers & keep basics on base slide.
  • Naming things is so important (ease of problem solving if ask for help in community, too)
  • Don’t have to share whole course — just slide having trouble with. Take out proprietary information.
  • Watch out for trigger order.
  • Check if variable is working — insert reference.
  • If variable already changed (on condition that)… won’t change again.
  • Can ignore normal state and just deal with other states.
  • User variables instead of states with tabs b/c more control (and not mess with properties, etc). when not remembering visited states.
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Top Tips for Streamlining Your Course Development

Ashley Chiasson

  • **Check out blog and YouTube
  • Customize Quick Access toolbar in upper left of Storyline.
  • Check out triggers on Master Slide. Can re-dock 1 at a time or re-dock all windows
  • In Story view, can right click on link in lower right to link to next slide or scene.
  • From Storyview, index feature can quickly change order of scenes.
  • Control – Enter or Control – Shift – Enter
  • Control G or Control – Shift G (Group/Ungroup)
  • Shift + scale using corner handles maintains symmetry.
  • Replace video – right click on corner of video to replace.
  • Button sets – only 1 selectable at a time
  • Convert to freeform.
  • Insert hyperlink instead of having whole textbook, go to link (or hotspot)
  • Normal text pulldown to left of font – change format of hyperlink, etc.
  • Fit timeline to longest object (audio) — right click on timeline.
  • On layer, choose what to hide at bottom of timeline (items on base layer) instead of objects/shapes on top of objects.
  • Print certificate (print slide trigger)
  • Lightbox tab (available, but doesn’t take user somewhere else)
  • Publish window — click to right of title, can see approximate length.
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In Storyview, can right click on link in lower right to link to next slide or scene.


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Keyboard Shortcuts


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Adjusting timeline to audio, etc.


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Converting to freeform

Zooming in on Masterpiece

Jodi Sansone

Zoom timeline – timeline stops/starts and zooms.


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Ways to use interactions


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Markers / Remove Markers


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Entire screen covers painting


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Lightbox Effect (where painting is visible behind lightbox)

Adaptive Interactions

Alex Ryan & James Oakley


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What’s New and What’s Next?

Madison McCartney

  • Check out Rise pre-built or pre-formatted (especially in collaboration with Big Think)
  • Printing slide/certificate can add to any slide in course.
  • Right click, “Paste Special”. Click on timeline, Control V, puts object above whatever is highlighted.
  • Focus Order (what is read 1st, 2nd, 3rd in screenreaders)
  • Can add buttons to markers or hotspots.
  • Can send xAPI statement to show metrics that learner has interacted with.
  • LRS – Can report to external LRS


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Reorder scenes/slides easily


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Print out Cert of Completion


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Change order of focus (screen readers) easily

See other presentations.